2,547 Forms found for 007-11018E?OpenForm

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  • on00387
    Student Job Type Explorer

    This tool will help you explore the student jobs that you may be interested in.
  • on00386
    Student Application Guide

    This guide highlights information to keep in mind when applying for a Summer Employment Opportunities job with the Ontario Public Service.
  • on00073
    Ontario Autism Program – Expense Form

    Use this form to report and categorize expenses for Ontario Autism Program: - Childhood Budgets - Interim One-Time Funding Before you report expenses: check eligible and ineligible expenses for childhood budgets and interim one-time funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-eligible-and-ineligible-expenses-childhood-budgets-and-interim-one-time You can also use this form to apply for and renew Interim One-Time (IOT) Funding, if eligible. Before you apply: please check if you are eligible for Interim One-Time Funding https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-1 Before you renew: please check if you are eligible to get a second Interim One-Time Funding payment https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-autism-program-interim-one-time-funding#section-6 Each eligible child and youth can also renew their funding once. You cannot get more than two interim one-time funding payments.
  • on00161
    MOH CYMH Service Description Schedules

    The Service Description Schedule is part of the Transfer Payment Agreement between His Majesty the King in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Health (“the Province”) and the Transfer Payment Recipient. The Transfer Payment Recipient will deliver the programs and services in accordance with the requirements as outlined in this Service Description Schedule document in addition to all conditions and requirements within the Transfer Payment Agreement.
  • on00121
    Service Objectives - 2021-22 - Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

    The Service Objectives Document is part of the Transfer Payment Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services and the Transfer Payment Recipient. The Transfer Payment Recipient will deliver the programs and services in accordance with the requirements as outlined in this Service Objectives Document.
  • 006-3089
    Birth Family Member's Application to Request a Severe Medical Search

    To allow birth family members to request a search for an adopted person, or a member of the adopted person's family, in instances of a severe mental or physical illness
  • 013-0477
    Ontario CT Schedule 44

    Where all or substantially all (90 per cent or more) of the assets of a non-arm's length corporation have been received in the taxation year, and subsection 85(1) or (2) of the federal Income Tax Act applied in respect of the disposition of any of the property, some details must be reported.
  • on00522
    Request to Hunt From a Stationary Vehicle or Motor Boat

    It is illegal to have a loaded firearm in or on, or discharge a firearm from, an aircraft, vehicle (including snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle) or motorboat. This form(s) is the application to request an authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, to having a loaded firearm in a vehicle or motorboat if a person suffers from a severe disability that prevents them from hunting except while using a wheelchair or similar means of locomotion including vehicles and motorboats; and is unable to safely dismount the stationary vehicle (including a wheelchair) or motorboat to discharge a firearm. Completed forms must be submitted to NRISC@ontario.ca or mail to: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Licensing and Client Services Section, Attention: Hunt from stationary vehicle, 300 Water Street., 5 North, Peterborough ON K9J 3C7.
  • on00539
    2023-24 Seniors Active Living Centres Program Expansion Call-For-Proposals Guidelines

    Senior Active Living Centre (SALC) programs promote wellness, social interaction, and education to help seniors stay active, independent, and engaged. Ontario will be expanding the SALC Program in 2023-24 and inviting organizations to submit proposals to launch a new SALC program, in a municipality that does not already have an existing SALC program and has a demonstrated need. The deadline has been extended. You must submit your application by August 3, 2023, at 5 p.m. EST.
  • on00455
    Credit Card Authorization/Dispute Waiver

    The purpose of the form is for clients/cardholders to authorize the MoF to process a credit card payment or recurring credit card payments for non-tax programs and confirm that any and all credit card charges will not be disputed.
  • on00694
    Application Attestation Form for Researchers Applying to the Ontario Research Funding Programs

    All named researchers in an application are required to complete and sign the Application Attestation Form when they apply for a research funding program under the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
  • 019-0252
    Notice of Appeal

    This form is used by clients when they appeal to the Mining and Lands Commissioner regarding a decision of the Provincial Mining Recorder.
  • 023-0135
    Road Test Booking

    Road Test booking is primarily an automateds process (DABS). Form usage is very low as per Stock Management (Kingston)
  • on00413
    Medical Assistance In Dying (MAiD) Death Report

    Medical Assistance In Dying (MAiD) Death Report - This form is to be used by Medical and Nurse Practitioners for mandatory reporting to the Office of the Chief Coroner (OCC) of a medically assisted death (MAiD) (Coroners Act, Section 10.1 (1)(2)).
  • on00518
    Modular Program – Consent to Disclose Personal Information

    Modular Program – Consent to Disclose Personal Information form ON00518E is to be completed and signed by workers working in modular programs. This form provides the ministry with the consent to release their Modular Program Transcript to employers indicated on the form.
  • 013-9990

    The Fuel, Gas and Tobacco Tax Acts provide that the Minister demand security (usually a letter of credit or surety bond) from designated collectors and most other registrants. A Letter of Credit or Surety Bond must be drawn on an Ontario-based financial institution and contain the terms as presented in the listed forms.
  • 012-2141
    Request to Change or Add Account Representatives/Account Viewing Agents

    This form is to be used by the primary or alternate account representative (PAR or AAR) of a participant registered under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 to request Director approval for the following actions taken in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS): Request to Change/Add Account Representatives and/or Account Viewing Agents
  • on00276
    Report of a workplace fatality, injury, illness or incident (OHSA s. 51, 52 ,53)

    If you are an employer or constructor, you can use this form to give written reports and notices to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, the joint health and safety committee and the union (if there is one) if there is a fatality, injury, occupational illness, or other workplace incident under sections 51-53 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  • 016-jpo-003
    Contractor Registration Application Trade Activities

    This form is used by contractors who want to bring their qualified but uncertified workers to do work in Quebec. These workers normally have experience in certain aspects of a voluntary trade but do not hold a certificate for that trade.