2,495 Forms found for 007-11018E?OpenForm

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  • 014-4906-87
    Fabry Disease Enzyme Replacement Therapy (Agalsidase) Assessment

    Application form for drug therapy for Fabry disease
  • 014-4907-87
    Fabry Disease Enzyme Replacement Therapy (Agalsidase) Renewal

    Renewal form dor drug therapy for Fabry disease
  • 018-0233
    Private Gas Well Licence Application

    This form only to be used for the licensing of existing wells.
  • 023-5104
    Appendix A to the Grants Ontario Application

    Completing this form is a mandatory requirement for applicants to the Electric School Bus Pilot Program.
  • 014-3889-22
    Clinician Aid A - Patient Request for Medical Assistance in Dying

    The use of this aid is voluntary. It is being provided to assist you in making a written request for medical assistance in dying that complies with the legal requirements. Once you complete this request, you should provide it to your doctor or nurse practitioner. The completed aid may be included in your medical records and may be used by your doctor or nurse practitioner to provide health care to you.
  • 016-1963
    Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Training Provider Application

    The JHSC Training Provider Application is designed to support the new Joint Health and Safety Committee Training Provider & Training Program standards by allowing training provider applicants to submit their JHSC Part One and/or Part Two and/or Refresher training program(s) for evaluation.
  • 013-9967
    Retail Sales Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax Information for the Transfer of Motor Vehicles Between Related Corporations or Corporations/Shareholders

    This publication outlines the Retail Sales Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax exemption (8% Ontario portion only) and required supporting documents for vehicle transfers between related corporations, and corporations and shareholders.
  • 013-3445
    Application for Refund - Bad Debt (BDT)

    Used by beer vendors in Ontario (e.g., licensed establishments) who paid amounts on account of the beer tax on beer made by Ontario beer manufacturers that was sold to a purchaser but for which payment has not been received and the sale has become uncollectible. This does not apply to purchases from or through the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
  • 014-4818-69
    Long-Term Care Home Support Document List - Resident Receiving ODSP

    To be used by residents of LTC homes who would like to apply for a reduction in the amount of their basic accommodation fees. This document guides applicants in determining which supporting documents will be required as part of their application. This document is to be used by applicants who are receiving benefits from the Ontario Disability Support Program.
  • 018-0471
    Independent Electricity System Operator Feed-In Tariff 5 (IESO FIT 5) Program

    This procedural guidance document is intended for those proponents with renewable energy projects proposed in whole or in part on provincial Crown land who have received a Feed-In Tariff (FIT) 5 energy procurement contract offer by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).
  • 014-4971-67
    Vendor Agreement

    The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's Assistive Devices Program provides customer centered support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities to provide access to personalized assistive devices appropriate for the individual's basic needs. To accomplish this goal the ADP establishes contracts with vendors in order to ensure that ADP funding for clients are in accordance with Program policies.
  • on00129
    Grant for Apprentice Learning Program (the Grant) Northern Region

    The Grant for Apprentice Learning is a financial support to offset income lost while attending in-class for apprentices who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI). This form is to apply for funding from the Grant for Apprentice Learning.
  • 014-3693-87
    Trillium Drug Program Application

    The Trillium Drug Program Application is available on the Ontario Drug Benefit Program Online Applications and Forms website: https://forms.ontariodrugbenefit.ca/. If you are not able to complete the form online, please contact the TDP at 416-642-3038 (Toronto area) or 1-800-575-5386 (outside Toronto) for a paper version of this form.
  • 009-0060
    Entrepreneurship Learning Stream (ELS) Application

    Entrepreneurship Learning Stream (ELS) Application Form
  • 014-5126-20
    Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program Application Through Guarantor

    You may use this application form to apply for the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program if you do not have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) and/or if you have not filed your Personal Tax Return(s) with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the most recent tax year. If you have a spouse (married or common law partner) who would also like to apply for the Program, they must complete their own application form.
  • 014-5125-20
    Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program Application

    You may use this application form to apply for the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program if you and your spouse (if applicable) have filed your Personal Tax Return(s) with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the most recent tax year and have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN). If you have a spouse (married or common law partner) who would also like to apply for the Program, they must complete their own application form.
  • on00404
    Sector Innovation Networks 2022-23 Program Guidelines and Reference Documents

    This page includes the program guidelines and reference documents of the Black Youth Action Plan economic empowerment stream's Sector Innovation Networks initiative. The application form for the initiative is available through the Transfer Payment Ontario system. Should your application be successful, you may also need to complete a Supplier Registration and Application for Direct Deposit Form/Electronic Funds Transfer.
  • 010-63-1970
    Work Education Agreement

    The Ministry of Education provides Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage for students who are registered as participants in a work education program administered by a school board. This form must be completed and signed by all parties prior to student placement.
  • 5305
    Amend a Firm Name for an Extra-Provincial Limited Liability Partnership - Business Names Act

    To amend the registration information for a firm name for an extra-provincial limited liability partnership under the Business Names Act (BNA).
  • 013-3466
    Wine and Wine Cooler Return Guide

    This guide will help wine tax collectors that do not have any off-site winery retail store complete the Wine and Wine Cooler Return.