Application to Change Information and/or Change Name for Individual Security Guard and/or Private Investigator LicenceTo provide change of name service to existing licensees.on00618
Change of Information Application Form for Security Guard and/or Private Investigator Agency Licence - Corporation or PartnershipThis application is to be used by licensed Security Guard and/or Private Investigator Agencies (Corporations and Partnerships) to change their information (e.g., update head office and/or mailing address, update/add/remove directors, officers or partners etc) with the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch (PSISB).on00619
Change of Information Application Form for Security Guard and/or Private Investigator Agency Licence - Sole ProprietorshipThis application is to be used by licensed Security Guard and/or Private Investigator Agencies (Sole Proprietorship) to change their information (e.g., update head office and/or mailing address, Sole Proprietor contact information etc.) with the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch (PSISB). Instructions on how to successfully complete the application are included with the form.012-0031
Director Letter Confirming Exemption from Licence and Permit Requirements for a Water ExterminationPursuant to subsection 98 (2) paragraph 5 of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act, a vendor may sell a pesticide to any person who presents a letter signed by the Director under the Pesticides Act confirming that the person meets the requirements set out in both subsections 83 (2) and 83 (3) of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act and is thus exempt from requiring an exterminator licence and a permit in respect to a water extermination.on00503
Application for Renewal of a Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), and Regulations 761Dairy plant licences must be renewed annually. An application for a licence for the operation of a dairy plant must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiry date on an existing licence (s. 95( 4), Regulation 761 - Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act). If you have recently made any of the following changes to your operation, an application for an Amended licence for the operation of a dairy plant must also be submitted: changes to the classes or subclasses of cow's milk processed at the plant; changes to the species of animal ( cow or goat) that produce the milk processed at the plant; or changes to the type of plant operated.on00195
Application for a New Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), and Regulations 761A new licence is required prior to beginning the operations of a dairy plant including: When a facility is being licensed for the first time. When an existing licensed plant is transferred to a new owner (transfer of ownership) An "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant – For New Applicants" must be submitted at the same time as an “Application for a Licence for the Operation of a Plant”. Note, the licence will not be issued until the plant is complete and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has confirmed, through inspection, that it meets all applicable regulations under the Milk Act (Ontario).018-fw1007
Head Trapper ApplicationDetermines compliance of applicant with regulated licence pre-requisites, and allows for selection of most suitable applicant through evaluation of applicant's qualifications.018-fw1016
Application for a License to Stock FishProvides necessary information for Ministry determine whether or not to issue a licence, and what terms and conditions are applicable if the decision is to issue a licence021-0510
License or Event Permit Application018-fw1015
Application for a License to Collect Fish for AquacultureProvides necessary information for Ministry to determine whether or not to issue a licenceon00520
Relocation Application (Fixed Site)Licensees of Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSCs) must submit an application and obtain written approval from the Director of Integrated Community Health Services Centres prior to a centre’s relocation. For the purposes of this application, a “Fixed Site” centre is a licensed ICHSC where the Limitations and Conditions of the licence specify a single geographic location or address where specified services may be provided.018-fw1031
Application For a License to Collect Fish for Scientific PurposesRequest a licence to fishcsb022
Application for Non-Commercial Intellectual Property LicenseApplication for Non-Commercial Intellectual Property License: For the purpose of this form,"intellectual property" is information belonging to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the rights which protect it."Intellectual property rights" include: copyright, trademark, patent, and other forms of intellectual property protection."Information" includes text, images, drawings, designs, software, numerical data and ideas created or collected by or for the OPP.007-11341
Application to Waive ServiceOntario Fees for a Name Change and Related CertificatesFor Residential School Survivors and their family members reclaiming a name; and for Indigenous persons changing their name to a single name. In order to apply to waive ServiceOntario fees, submit this application with an application change an adult's and/or child's name and/or a request to amend a birth or marriage registration following a legal name change.018-fw1021
Application for a License to Transport Live Fish Taken from Ontario WatersA licence to Transport Live Fish is issued under authority of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and is required to transport live fish or live spawn, other than baitfish, that have been taken from Ontario waters. This form allows an individual to apply for this licence.on00198
Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant for New Applicants The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), s.14 (1), (2), and (3) and Regulation 761Prior to beginning construction of a new dairy plant an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant – for New Applicants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the plant will be built to meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario). An “Application for a Licence for the Operation of a Plant” must also be submitted with this permit application.on00358
Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant For Existing Licensed Plants The Milk Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.M12), s.14 (1), (2), and (3) and Regulation 761Prior to beginning alterations to an existing dairy plant, an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant - for Existing Licensed Plants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the alterations to the plant will meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario). In some cases an “Application for an Amended Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant” may also be required.on00239
Application for the Transfer of a Licence or Permit under the Aggregate Resources ActApplication for the Transfer of a Licence or Permit under the Aggregate Resources Act014-1668-69
Application for a Licence to Establish or Maintain and Operate a Nursing HomeApplication for a Licence to Establish or Maintain and Operate a Nursing Home