The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, prohibits the sale/purchase of game wildlife or specially protected wildlife, including pelts, except under the authority of a licence and in accordance with the regulations. Section 8 of Ontario Regulation 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) enables a person who holds a Fur Dealer’s Licence to buy or sell pelts. In addition, a Fur Dealer’s Licence is generally required to tan, pluck or treat pelts.
Employment Standards Appeal for Licencing
This form acts as either a new application for prospective provincially regulated shortline railway companies and/or as an update form for licensees to notify the Ministry of notable operational changes.
A non-shopkeeper distributor licence is required to sell or distribute fluid milk products if you sell more than 50% by volume of your fluid milk products wholesale and you:
• process fluid milk products
• buy fluid milk products wholesale, or
• operate a shop where you also sell some fluid milk products directly to consumers
Licences are issued for a period of up to three years and must be renewed before the expiry date stated on the licence.
This is the application for a licence or renewal of a licence to place children for adoption issued by a Director under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (this person is generally the Coordinator of the ministry's Private and International Adoption Unit).
To obtain a new business licence, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act indicate that all businesses must employ a least one Class “A” operator and have access to one licensed machines. To issue a new business licence, an inspection of your operation will be necessary. All business licences are issued for a one-year term expiring March 31; the fee for this licence is $250.00.
Mechanism to transfer a commercial bait licence from one licence holder to another.