Notice of WithdrawalThis form is used by an appellant to withdraw their appeal before the Fire Safety Commission.004-0430
004-0430e - Declaration of RepresentativeThis form is used by parties appearing before the Fire Safety Commission to identify their legal representative.004-0422
Application for an AuthorizationThis form is used by a fire service to request authorization to perform work on a subject property from the Fire Safety Comission Commission.004-0421
Notice of AppealThis form is used by an appellant to initiate an appeal before the Fire Safety Commission.004-0420
Summons to a WitnessThis form is used by a party before the Fire Safety Commission to request a summons be issued.004-0427
Declaration of RepresentativeThis form is used by parties appearing before the Animal Care Review Board to identify their legal representative.004-0426
Notice of AppealThis form is used by an appellant to initiate an appeal before the Animal Care Review Board.004-0425
Notice of WithdrawalThis form is used by an appellant to withdraw their appeal before the Animal Care Review Board.004-0319
Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund RequestFor eligible victims of crime and their families who wish to apply for financial assistance and other supports available under the Vulnerable Victims and Family Fund.004-0407
Form 2 – Warrant for Arrest (Defaulting Witness)This form is used when a judge of the Superior Court of Justice issues a warrant under the Statutory Powers Procedure Act for the arrest of a person who was served with a summons and who failed to attend, remain in attendance, or participate in the hearing in accordance with the summons.004-vvpd-008
Reference in Support of ApplicationReference in Support of Application (Application to Join the Independent Legal Advice for Survivors of Sexual Assault Pilot Program Referral List)004-0244
Form 5 - Statement of Grantor under Subsection 50 (1)Subsection 50(2) of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 lists certain special provisions that may be included in a power of attorney for personal care, but only if the person granting the power of attorney completes this form within 30 days of granting the power of attorney.004-0418
Form 11 – Declaration of Abandonment (Land Registered under the Registry Act)Under the Expropriations Act, where land to be abandoned is registered under the Registry Act, the expropriating authority registers this form in the proper land registry office. The form is also served on each owner.004-0414
Form 4 – Notice of GroundsThe expropriating authority uses this form to serve notice of the grounds upon which it intends to rely at a hearing requested by an owner under s. 6(2) of the Expropriations Act. Notice must be served on each party to the inquiry at least five days before the date fixed for the hearing.004-0022
Application to Appeal School Board Expulsion DecisionThis form is for use by applicants to the CFSRB/CRB, an arms length government agency, for a review of a strudent expulsion from a school board pursuant to section 311.7 of the Education Act.