Notice Concerning Winding Up - Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010To file notice concerning winding up of an Ontario not-for-profit corporation under Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA).on00052
Notice Concerning Winding Up - Business Corporations ActTo file notice concerning winding up of an Ontario business corporation under the Business Corporations Act (BCA).5310
Request for Corporation/Entity InformationTo search the corporate and/or entity records maintained by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services-ServiceOntario.5309
Cancel a Limited Partnership DeclarationTo cancel the declaration of an Ontario or Extra-Provincial limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act (LPA).5308
Renew a Limited Partnership DeclarationTo renew the declaration of an Ontario or Extra-Provincial limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act (LPA).5305
Amend a Firm Name for an Extra-Provincial Limited Liability Partnership - Business Names ActTo amend the registration information for a firm name for an extra-provincial limited liability partnership under the Business Names Act (BNA).007-11075
Request for Death Certificateon00546
Search for Death Records Next of Kin AuthorizationFor Indigenous communities, organizations or family members trying to locate death records (registrations of deaths) for children who attended Indian Residential Schools in Ontario. To help navigate the application process, please review the supporting fact sheet before completing your application.on00218
Notice – Business Corporations Act – Filing Articles of ContinuanceA notice that describes the requirements for filing Articles of Continuance under the Business Corporations Act.on00241
Notice – Filing Methods and RequirementsA notice that describes the requirements related to signatures, copies of documents, and methods of filing under the specified business statutes.5268
Articles of Dissolution - Business Corporations ActTo voluntarily dissolve the articles of an Ontario business corporation (who has or has not commenced business), under the Business Corporations Act (BCA).5285
Initial Return/Notice of Change/Annual Return for an EP Foreign with Share - Corporations Information ActTo file an initial return, notice of change or annual return by an Extra-Provincial Foreign Corporation with share under the Corporations Information Act (CIA).5271
Articles of Amendment - Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010To amend the articles of an Ontario not-for-profit corporation under the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA).5269
Articles of Revival - Business Corporations ActTo revive the articles of an Ontario business corporation under the Business Corporations Act (BCA).5284
Initial Return/Notice of Change/Annual Return by an Ontario Corporation - Corporations Information ActTo file an initial return, notice of change or annual return by an Ontario corporation under the Corporations Information Act (CIA).5297
Amend an Extra-Provincial Limited Liability Company Name - Business Names ActTo amend the registration information for an extra-provincial limited liability company name under the Business Names Act (BNA).5296
Register an Extra-Provincial Limited Liability Company Name - Business Names ActTo register an extra-provincial limited liability company name under the Business Names Act (BNA).5295
Amend a Business Name for a Corporation - Business Names ActTo amend the registration information of a business name for a corporation under the Business Names Act (BNA).5294
Register a Business Name for a Corporation - Business Names ActTo register a business name for a corporation under the Business Names Act (BNA).5293
Amend a Firm Name for a General Partnership - Business Names ActTo amend the information for a firm name of a general partnership under the Business Names Act (BNA).