The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, prohibits the sale/purchase of game wildlife or specially protected wildlife, including pelts, except under the authority of a licence and in accordance with the regulations. Section 8 of Ontario Regulation 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) enables a person who holds a Fur Dealer’s Licence to buy or sell pelts. In addition, a Fur Dealer’s Licence is generally required to tan, pluck or treat pelts.
Mechanism to transfer a commercial bait licence from one licence holder to another.
This form only to be used for the licensing of existing wells.
Application for a Commercial Bait Licence to Harvest in Bait
Application for a Commercial Bait Licence to Deal in Bait
This form is to be used by community hatcheries only to apply for an Aquaculture Licence, a Licence to Collect Fish for Aquaculture, and/or a Licence to Stock Fish.
Under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994 and Ontario Regulation 167/95, you need a Forest Resource Processing Facility (mill) Licence if you want to construct and/or operate a mill and your mill consumes more than 1,000 cubic metres of forest resources in one year (regardless of the source). If you have a mill licence, you will need to get a new one where your existing licence is expiring/has expired or your mill: a) changes ownership, and/or b) changes productive capacity, and/or c) is converted to another mill type.
This licence allows an individual or corporation to own and operate a Train and Trial Area. Part A of this form contains the application for the licence and Part B contains the required annual report. Those who wish to apply for this licence must have previously been issued a Licence to Own and Operate a Train and Trial Area, applications for new areas will not be accepted. Applicants must submit Part A and Part B of this form, as well as a copy of their site map.
This licence is required for individuals to keep, propagate, buy and sell game birds in captivity for the purposes of supporting hunting (e.g., game bird hunting preserves, train and trial, municipal programs) or for personal consumption. Game birds kept under this licence cannot be released without additional authorization. Applicants must submit a complete licence application indicating which species of game birds they are seeking authorization to keep before acquiring any birds.
Mechanism to change information (e.g., address) of a designate or remove a designate from a commercial bait harvest licence. Designates are persons 16 years (or older) that are granted the authority to harvest bait on behalf of the licence holder in the absence of the licence holder
The Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) provides for the transfer of a licence or permit. A transferred licence or permit will allow the continued operation of the licensed or permitted site under the same terms, conditions and site plan requirements as the original licence or permit. Any changes or amendments to the site plan or licence/permit conditions are a separate process.
Game Bird Hunting Preserves (GBHP) are areas in which pen-raised game birds are released into habitat to support additional game bird hunting, bird-dog training and field trial opportunities in Ontario within a predefined area. This licence is required to own and operate a GBHP, including keeping and releasing the authorized species of game birds on the preserve. Applicants must submit a complete licence application with all required supplemental information.
Determines compliance of applicant with regulated licence pre-requisites, and allows for selection of most suitable applicant through evaluation of applicant's qualifications.
Provides necessary information for Ministry determine whether or not to issue a licence, and what terms and conditions are applicable if the decision is to issue a licence
Provides necessary information for Ministry to determine whether or not to issue a licence
Request a licence to fish
A licence to Transport Live Fish is issued under authority of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and is required to transport live fish or live spawn, other than baitfish, that have been taken from Ontario waters. This form allows an individual to apply for this licence.
Application for the Transfer of a Licence or Permit under the Aggregate Resources Act
Application for an Aggregate Licence, Aggregate Permit or Wayside Permit under the Aggregate Resources Act