The form is used to refer an agency for agency to agency consultation services at CPRI. This service is a one-time consultation specifically designed for clinical discussion only. Agency staff will consult with CPRI’s clinical team for support, feedback, or further recommendations for a child/youth they are currently working with. Clients and/or guardians do not attend. Should further CPRI services be required, regular CPRI intake processes apply and a full intake package must be submitted.
This form is used to refer a child/youth to inpatient services at CPRI. Referrals for inpatient services should be submitted through the child/youth's Single Point Access Agency.
The form is used to refer a child/youth to tertiary medical consultation services at CPRI. This is a one-time developmental behavioural consultation with a CPRI paediatrician or a psychiatrist. It can also include diagnostic opinion/interdisciplinary ASD diagnostic assessment. Referrals will only be accepted from a medical specialist (e.g. paediatrician, psychiatrist, neurologist, geneticist). All CPRI recommendations are provided to the referring specialist.
To support direct bank deposit enrolment and information management for third party vendor records in Social Assistance Programs
Provides program and application instructions for the Partner Facility Renewal program.
Form to be completed by ODSP recipients on a monthly basis. First section of the form requires recipients to report their changes in Employment/Training and any changes in living expenses, shelter costs, family size, income or assets.
The Cancellation of Third Party Authorization form stops all third party access to a client's case. Once the third party access is cancelled, only the payor or recipient will be able to receive information about their case.
Ontario Works recipients who are self-employed or operate a business must submit a Business Income and Expense Report.
To allow adopted persons, and their family members, to request a search for an adopted person's birth relative or birth relative's family member, in instances of a severe mental or physical illness
For health care practitioners to bill the Ministry for their services in completing the Disability Determination Package, Medical Review Package or providing Additional Medical Information to the Disability Adjudication Unit.
For overpayment and sponsorship debtors to request and submit documents online to the Accountability and Financial Unit.