When a tile drainage machine changes ownership, the Regulations under the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act requires that a notice of transfer of a machine must be completed and submitted within ten days after the transfer occurs. Where the machine is already licensed, this licence will be transferred to the new owner.
A machine licence is required for a machine used to install tile drainage on agricultural land.
A licence is required to operate a tile drainage machine.
To document the engagement of Professional Engineer(s) to provide design and site review of construction under the Nutrient Management Act 267/03, as amended.
Give notice to property owner(s) of on-site meeting with the appointed engineer to examine the area and site of proposed drainage works.
Notice that owner(s) of land affected, request that a drain be improved in accordance with section 78 (1) of the Drainage Act.
Application submitted by a property owner for a tile loan from the municipality under the Tile Drainage Act.
The application form allows Bee Keepers in Ontario to be reimbursed for damage to bee colonies and hives caused by eligible predators.
For owners to enter into an agreement for drainage for the describe land and acknowledge financial obligations