Under the Farm Implements Act, 1990, registration as a distributor is required for any person, including a manufacturer, who, in the ordinary course of business, sells, consigns or delivers farm implements or parts to a dealer. Any person that meets the definition of both dealer and distributor should register as a distributor/dealer.
Dairy plant licences must be renewed annually. An application for a licence for the operation of a dairy plant must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiry date on an existing licence (s. 95( 4), Regulation 761 - Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act). If you have recently made any of the following changes to your operation, an application for an Amended licence for the operation of a dairy plant must also be submitted: changes to the classes or subclasses of cow's milk processed at the plant; changes to the species of animal ( cow or goat) that produce the milk processed at the plant; or changes to the type of plant operated.
Prior to beginning alterations to an existing dairy plant, an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant - for Existing Licensed Plants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the alterations to the plant will meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario). In some cases an “Application for an Amended Licence for the Operation of a Dairy Plant” may also be required.
Prior to beginning construction of a new dairy plant an "Application for a Permit to Construct or Alter a Building Intended for Use as a Dairy Plant – for New Applicants" must be completed and submitted and approved by the Director. This application must demonstrate, through drawings and other information as necessary, that the plant will be built to meet the regulatory requirements under the Milk Act (Ontario).
An “Application for a Licence for the Operation of a Plant” must also be submitted with this permit application.
A goat bulk tank milk grader certificate is required for the grading, sampling, measuring and collection of raw goat milk from farm bulk tanks in Ontario.
A licence is required for a person in the business of receiving, collecting and/or transporting deadstock. Once the application and supporting documents are completed and submitted, the ministry will review. After it is approved, a licence will be mailed to the applicant.
A licence is required to carry out the community sales of consigned livestock in Ontario. This applies to an operator licensed for Class 1 or Class 2 community sales to hold an extra community sale not authorized by the licence for Class 1 or Class 2 community sales.
A licence is required to carry out the community sales of consigned livestock in Ontario.
To provide a sign-off to the Nutrient Management Plan.
Notice of Abandonment of Drainage Works
To apply for an Apprentice Goat Bulk Tank Milk Grader Certificate.
Notice that the Council of a City, County, Municipality, Town, Township or Village appeals to the Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal under section 50(2) of the Drainage Act.
Offer to sell a debenture to the Minister of Finance by a specific upper-tier municipality.
In response to a Notice of Abandonment of Drainage Works that a report of an engineer is to be made on the proposed amandonment.
For petitioners for drainage works to indicate their desire to withdraw their names from the petition.
For signatories of a petition for drainage works to indicate their desire to withdraw from a petition
Notice that the sitting of the Court of Revision to hear appeals regarding assessments for a drainage works has been adjourned.
Offer to sell debenture to the Minister of Finance by a lower-tier municipality.
To apply for and renew a certificate to act as an examiner for the Non-Emergency Slaughter of Food Animals on Producer Premises
To apply for renewal and update information for a certificate to act as an examiner for the Non-Emergency Slaughter of Food Animals on Producer Premises