Director Letter Confirming Exemption from Licence and Permit Requirements for a Water ExterminationPursuant to subsection 98 (2) paragraph 5 of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act, a vendor may sell a pesticide to any person who presents a letter signed by the Director under the Pesticides Act confirming that the person meets the requirements set out in both subsections 83 (2) and 83 (3) of Ontario Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act and is thus exempt from requiring an exterminator licence and a permit in respect to a water extermination.012-2138
Identity Verification and AttestationsThis form is to be used by individuals registering to be recognized as an account agent, which is referred to as “User Registration” in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS).012-2139
Business Relationship DisclosureThis form is to be used by a person registering as a Participant under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 to submit certain information pertaining to their business relationship(s) to the Director as set out in O.Reg. 144/16: The Cap and Trade Program (“the Regulation”).012-2091
Enregistrement d'activités exercées dans le cadre des installations solairesL'information présentée ici n'est fournie qu'à titre indicative012-2140
Request to Add a New Facility or Change Facility InformationThis form is to be used by the primary or alternate account representative (PAR or AAR) of a participant registered under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 in order to request approval for the following actions taken in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS): correct or update information of an existing facility; or add a new facility that has never been entered into the CITSS.012-2141
Request to Change or Add Account Representatives/Account Viewing AgentsThis form is to be used by the primary or alternate account representative (PAR or AAR) of a participant registered under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act, 2016 to request Director approval for the following actions taken in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS): Request to Change/Add Account Representatives and/or Account Viewing Agents012-2034
Application for a Permit to Perform a Water ExterminationSection 7(2) of the Pesticides Act requires a person to hold a permit issued by the Director for a water extermination. This application form is for a permit to use a pesticide to control biting flies or aquatic weeds.on00165
Bypass and Overflow Portal AccountFor municipalities to view or submit data about systems or facilities in the portal, an authorized administrator must be identified to the Ministry012-2165
Primary Noise Screening Method5392
Well Technician's NoticeThis Notice only applies to a Non-Municipal Year-Round Residential System that has a raw water supply that is ground water, or that has been deemed, under paragraphs 4 or 5 of Section 2(12), section 2 of O. Reg. 170/03, to obtain water from a raw water supply that is ground water under the direct influence of surface water.012-2112
Ontario Community Environment Fund (OCEF)The purpose of Ontario Community Environment Fund is to channel money collected through environmental penalties into projects located in the tertiary watershed in which the violation(s) occurred. Eligible projects include environmental remediation, research and education relating to spills and restoration of the environment, and projects related to spill preparedness.012-1806
Well Record Request Individual Well Record – Form AThis search request form is required to obtain copies of individual water well records i.e. a copy of the actual Well Record as submitted by the Well Contractor at the time of construction.012-2153
Schedule C – Director's Directions for Operational Plans (Subject System Description Form)This form is part of the Director's Directions for Operational Plans. These directions provide instructions respecting the preparation and content of operational plans prepared by owners of municipal residential drinking water systems pursuant to subsection 16(2) of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, and where otherwise required under the Act. A completed copy of this form is required to be included in every operational plan.012-2132
Operator-in-Training Certificate and Licence IssuanceComplete this form to request the issuance of drinking water and wastewater operator-in-training (OIT) certificate(s)/licence(s), including water treatment, water distribution/distribution and supply, wastewater treatment and wastewater collection.2180
Request Approval Under para 3 s.11(1) LAQR for a Plan for Combined Assessment of Modelled & MeasuredThis form will be used to evaluate requests for approval of a plan for the combined assessment of modelled and monitored results including the use of meterological data for the purpose of refining emissions rates used in the analysis under paragraph 3 of s.11(1) of Ontario Regulation 419/052172
Report of a Waste Audit - Large Construction and Demolition ProjectsThis report must be prepared before construction or demolition begins at the site. The waste audit must be retained on file for at least five years after it is prepared, and be made available to the ministry upon request.