2,547 Forms found for 007-11018E?OpenForm

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  • on00510
    Outpatient Referral Form

    The form is used to refer a child/youth to outpatient services at CPRI. When an outpatient referral is received, a clinical team works with the referent and community partners to gather information about the referral and how to best meet the needs of the child/youth being referred.
  • 017-10554p
    Declaration of Identity – Form 9

    To be completed at the voting place by a person who is on the voters' list, but who does not have proof of identity and proof of residence.
  • 008-0120
    Form 14 - General Order

    Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act - General Order
  • 008-0119

    Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act - RESTITUTION ORDER
  • 014-2862-69
    Medical Certificate Form 3

    Application used by First Nations and the North
  • 002-5350
    Procurement Rationale Report Form

    The government is planning to centralize Ontario Public Service (OPS) and Broader Public Sector (BPS) purchasing and supply chains. Centralization will help to realize savings and put money back into programs and services that support Ontarians, make procurement more efficient, drive innovation, enable comprehensive information collection, and encourage competition.
  • on00028
    Form P5

    Application to the Board to Amend the Conditions of, or Terminate the Appointment of a Representative under Subsection 27(7) or (8) of the Personal Health Information Protection Act.
  • 044-0050
    Application Form - Facilitation Program

    The Community Hubs Facilitation Program provides funding to successful applicants to engage service providers who will provide assistance in advancing their community hub development projects.
  • 004-0413
    Form 3 – Notice of Hearing

    An inquiry officer uses this form to give notice of the time and place of a hearing to each party when an owner of lands has requested a hearing under s. 6(2) of the Expropriations Act.
  • 002-2046
    Terminology Request Form

    This form is used to submit requests for official Ontario Government names not found in the Official Names Ontario database of ONTERM (www.ontario.ca/terminology). Official names include names of ministries and their organizational units, names of government agencies, program names and position titles. For more information, check the Official Names Ontario page of ONTERM (www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-government-terminology/official-names-ontario).
  • 004-0237
    Form 2 - Management Plan

    A Management Plan must be submitted when a person applies under s. 17(1) of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to replace the Public Guardian and Trustee as an incapable person's statutory guardian of property (using Form 1). The Management Plan is also required in court applications for the appointment of a guardian of property. The Management Plan sets out the applicant's plan for managing the property of the incapable person.
  • on00601
    Financial Circumstances Form

    To provide financial information of the creditor and debtor to assist in the enforcement of a support order and to assist the court in the establishment or modification of a support order for applications under the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention.
  • 012-2146
    Freedom of Information Request Forms

    To facilitate FOI requests
  • 013-10056p
    Form 1, Summons to a Witness

    Every summons to a witness to appear before a person appointed to make an investigation under section 11 or 13 of the Securities Act is required to be in Form 1, Summons to the Witness.
  • 013-10092p
    Form 39, Endorsement of Warrant

    Form 39, Endorsement of Warrant is prescribed in Regulation 1015 made under the Securities Act for the purpose of section 125 of the Securities Act.
  • 013-10057p
    Form 2, Affidavit of Service

    The service of a summons on a witness, the payment or tender of fees and allowances to the witness and the service of a notice on a witness in respect of investigations conducted under the Securities Act may be proved by an affidavit in Form 2, Affidavit of Service.