Image(s), Audio and/or Visual Record(s) Consent, Waiver and Release of LiabilityTo obtain the consent from participants at an OPP event to be recorded in any matter, which could be used for OPP promotional items; users are made aware of this before any recordings are taken026-pcs100
Pre-Employment Application Questionnaire - Casual Part-time PolicingPCS100 is to be completed by an Applicant of the Casual Part-time Policing program, and is used by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in order to obtain the necessary information required to be considered. Information collected within the PCS100 is for the purpose of initiating an employee file in relation to potential employment with the OPP, and under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 38(2), and the Police Services Act, sections 18 and 43.008-pcs102
Applicant Medical Examination Report - Casual/Part-time PolicingPCS102 is to be completed by an Applicant's examining Physician and the information collected is used by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) with respect to the Casual/Part-time Policing program. Information collected is for the purpose of initiating an employee file in relation to potential employment with the OPP. The authority for this collection of personal information is the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 38(2), and the Police Services Act, sections 18 and 43.026-pcs119
Amalgamating Police Officer ApplicationThe PCS119 is used by Police Services that are amalgamating into the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in order for their Police Officers to apply for a position. It allows OPP's Uniform Recruitment to review personal and occupational information about each individual in order to determine their qualifications and eligibility for a position in the OPP.csb022
Application for Non-Commercial Intellectual Property LicenseApplication for Non-Commercial Intellectual Property License: For the purpose of this form,"intellectual property" is information belonging to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the rights which protect it."Intellectual property rights" include: copyright, trademark, patent, and other forms of intellectual property protection."Information" includes text, images, drawings, designs, software, numerical data and ideas created or collected by or for the OPP.on00691
Community Service Order (CSO) 2024-27 Guidelines and InstructionsApplication Guidelines and Instructions for the Community Service Order Program (CSO) 2024-27026-0173
Notice of a Change in Officers, Directors or Partners of Agencies that Provide Security Guard and/or Private Investigator ServicesThis form is to be used by the agency to notify the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch (PSISB) of any change in officers, directors or partners per section 8 (2) of the Private Security and Investigative Services Act (PSISA), 2005.026-0204
Application to Change Information and/or Change Name for Individual Security Guard and/or Private Investigator LicenceTo provide change of name service to existing licensees.on00542
Coroner's Inquest Legal Fee Reimbursement Program and Coroner's Inquest Family Reimbursement Program ApplicationThis application form is for family members (“applicant”) who have been granted standing at a coroner’s inquest where the deceased was a victim of crime or involved in a police-related incident. The applicant or their legal representative can complete this form to apply for reimbursement of eligible legal fees and expenses under either the Coroner’s Inquest Legal Fee Reimbursement Program or the Coroner’s Inquest Family Reimbursement Program. Please consult the Coroner’s Inquest Legal Fee Reimbursement Program/Coroner’s Inquest Family Reimbursement Program Guideline for information on program eligibility criteria, eligible expenses, and the reimbursement process.