403 Forms found for 007-11018E?OpenForm

Ministries: Ministry of the Attorney General

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  • cor-ocj-3
    Consent (Form 3)

    Criminal proceeding in the Ontario Court of Justice. Consent by Crown or accused to application.
  • 004-3805
    Request Form - Access to Exhibits

    This form will allow members of the public and media to request access to exhibits in criminal cases and exhibits entered into evidence during civil and family trials.
  • 004-0242
    Form 3 - Guardianship Plan

    This form must be submitted by a person applying to court under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to be appointed guardian of a person who is incapable of personal care.
  • 004-0406
    Form 1 - Summons

    This form is used by a tribunal under the Statutory Powers Procedure Act to require a person to give or produce relevant evidence at a hearing.
  • cor-ocj-1
    Application (Form 1)

    Criminal proceeding in the Ontario Court of Justice. Application by Crown or accused.
  • 004-0414
    Form 4 – Notice of Grounds

    The expropriating authority uses this form to serve notice of the grounds upon which it intends to rely at a hearing requested by an owner under s. 6(2) of the Expropriations Act. Notice must be served on each party to the inquiry at least five days before the date fixed for the hearing.
  • cor-ocj-2
    Response (Form 2)

    Ciminal proceeding Ontario Court of Justice . Crown or accused's response to application.
  • 004-0409
    Form 7 – Notice of Expropriation

    Under the Expropriations Act, the expropriating authority must serve this form on registered owners (and may serve the form on owners as defined in s. 1(1) of the Expropriations Act) when a plan of expropriation has been filed in the land registry office but no agreement as to compensation has been made. The form must be served within thirty days after the date of registration of the plan.
  • 004-0411
    Form 9 – Notice of Possession

    Under the Expropriations Act, the expropriating authority uses this form to provide notice to a registered owner that it requires possession of expropriated land. Unless a judge orders otherwise, the date for possession must be at least three months after the date that the notice of possession was served.
  • 004-0415
    Form 5 – Certificate of Approval

    The approving authority uses this form to certify its approval of a proposed expropriation under s. 8(3) of the Expropriations Act. If the approval is endorsed on a plan of the land intended for registration under s. 9, Form 6 should be used.
  • 004-0417
    Form 10 – Notice of Land

    Under the Expropriations Act, if, before compensation is paid in full, the expropriating authority determines that it does not require the land or part of the land, the expropriating authority must use this form to notify each owner of the land.
  • 004-0413
    Form 3 – Notice of Hearing

    An inquiry officer uses this form to give notice of the time and place of a hearing to each party when an owner of lands has requested a hearing under s. 6(2) of the Expropriations Act.
  • 004-0237
    Form 2 - Management Plan

    A Management Plan must be submitted when a person applies under s. 17(1) of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 to replace the Public Guardian and Trustee as an incapable person's statutory guardian of property (using Form 1). The Management Plan is also required in court applications for the appointment of a guardian of property. The Management Plan sets out the applicant's plan for managing the property of the incapable person.