This form is for additional payment for Drinking Water Works Permits & Municipal Drinking Water Licences, and application for Environmental Compliance Approvals, Permits to Take Water, and Renewable Energy Approvals, or if you have not submitted payment with your initial application.
Provide information related to the 2024-2025 Caribou Conservation Stewardship Program, including program objectives, eligibility, and application and application review process.
The Great Lakes Local Action Fund 2024 Application Guidelines are a public resource to support organizations that are interested in applying for funding through the Great Lakes Local Action Fund.
This form is to be used by all accredited verification bodies (AVBs) prior to completing the verification of a GHG report under O. Reg. 390/18 to assess the potential for compromised impartiality.
This form is used for annual reporting of landfill gas collection, methane destruction and/or use by large landfills in Ontario in accordance with O.Reg. 347 under the Environmental Protection Act.
Environmental Compliance Approval Application form used solely for small scale waste research and development projects.
Will be used to evaluate applications for Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs) issued under Part II.1 of the EPA. This application form should be used solely for vertical closed loop ground source heat pumps.
This forms part of the expedited process for existing municipal and non-municipal drinking water systems applying for regulatory relief in accordance with s. 38 and s.60 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), from strict sampling requirements for lead and other parameters under Schedule 15.1 of Regulation 170/03 (Drinking Water Systems).
To ensure the minimum required information identified in the check-list on the reverse of this sheet has been submitted in the Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling Report.
To ensure the minimum required information identified in the check-list on the reverse of this sheet has been submitted.
Information requested in this form will be used to assist the Client Services and Permissions Branch in processing requests for copies of Environmental Compliance Approval.
This form is completed by a proponent and submitted to the Director of the Environmental Assessment Branch and the Regional Director to formalize the completion of the Transit Project Assessment Process.
This form is completed by a proponent and submitted to the Director of the Environmental Assessment Branch and the Regional Director to formalize the completion of the Transit Project Assessment Process.
This form is completed by a proponent and submitted to the Director of the Environment Assessment Branch to formalize the completion of the Environmental Screening Process.