Culture Programs Unit Programs and Services Branch 401 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto ON M7A 0A7
Museum Name Year of Assessment Mailing Address Telephone No. (April–November) Telephone No. (December–March) Fax No. Website (URL) Museum Curator
Contact Name Contact Title Email
There is considerable overlap between the intent and direction of the Interpretation–Education Standard, the Exhibition Standard and the Research Standard, such that good Interpretation and Education are made possible through preliminary research and are embodied in the museum’s exhibits. Key elements of the Interpretation–Education Standard include the museum’s clear vision of its interpretive strategy, and its educational aims.
When referring to a specific section of a policy document for the questions below, please provide a copy of the document, and identify the page number and paragraph number of the requested statement. Please provide the most up-to-date version of the document (signed and dated by the governing body of the museum e.g. Board of Directors) and please indicate when it was last updated.
Contact your Heritage and Museum Advisor if you require clarification.
Typed submissions are preferred.
Please send completed form to: Culture Programs Unit Programs and Services Branch Ministry of Tourism and Culture 401 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto ON M7A 0A7