Government of Ontario

Guide to Completing an Application to Update Information or
Remove Name from the Adoption Disclosure Register

Important: Please read this guide thoroughly before starting the application process. Applications that are not complete or correct will be returned and the processing of the application will be delayed.

General Information

The Adoption Disclosure Register is a service that allows adult adopted persons and eligible birth relatives to place their name on a Register to obtain and exchange contact information in order to reunite with one another.

If you have previously applied to be named on the Adoption Disclosure Register and would like to update your information on the Register, you may use this form to do one or more of the following:

If you applied to the Adoption Disclosure Register prior to April 24, 2006, you will continue to be named on the Register. You may use this form to update your information on the Register.

Do not use this form if you want to apply to be named on the Adoption Disclosure Register. If you would like to apply to be named on the Adoption Disclosure Register, you must use the Application to be Named on the Adoption Disclosure Register.

Completing the Application Form

The application form has five sections. Please fill out all of the information requested to the best of your ability by printing clearly in blue or black ink. Some sections of the application form will not apply to you and should be left blank.

Part A: Applicant Information

Applicant Name
Please print your current, legal surname (your last name), your first name and any middle names you may have in the section provided.
Applicant Gender
Check the box on the form to indicate whether you are male or female.
Date of Birth
Enter your date of birth in the space provided.
Mailing Address
Enter your mailing address in the space provided. A mailing address is necessary so we can mail you the results of your application. This address will be used for all correspondence relating to your application.
Daytime Telephone Number
Enter a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted during regular business hours. Check the box to indicate whether a message can be left for you at this number.
If it is not possible to leave a message at the daytime number you have listed, or if there is another telephone number where you may be reached (such as a cell phone number), enter that telephone number on the form. If you do not have an alternate telephone number, leave that space blank.

Purpose of Application

You must indicate the purpose of your application by checking the appropriate box (you may check more than one box). You may use this application form to do one or more of the following:

Part B: Changes to Birth Relative List

This section applies to adopted persons only.

Please fill out this section if you are an adopted person and would like to update the list of birth relatives with whom you wish to exchange contact information. You must check the appropriate boxes to indicate if you would like to add or remove a birth relative from the list of persons with whom you wish to exchange contact information. Please check all the boxes that apply to you.

Part C: Contact Information Update

Please fill out this section if you would like to update how you wish to be contacted in the event that the person with whom you wish to exchange contact information is named on the Register. The information you provide in this section will replace your contact information previously entered on the Adoption Disclosure Register. When updating your contact information, please ensure that you check all methods of contact that you wish to be entered on the Register and fill out the applicable sections.

In the event that a register match between you and a relative occurs, the other party will receive only the contact information you provide in Part C of the application form.

Part D: Notice of Legal Name Change

Please fill out this section if you would like to update your name as it appears on the Adoption Disclosure Register to reflect a legal name change.

Please print your current legal surname (last name), your first name and any middle names you may have in the space provided. You must also provide your previous legal surname, first name and any middle names, as well as the date of your legal name change.

Part E: Signed Statement to Have Name Removed from the Adoption Disclosure Register

If you wish to remove your name from the Adoption Disclosure Register, fill out this section of the application. You must sign and date the statement in Part E of the application form.

Part F: Signed Statement by the Applicant

The applicant must sign and date the application as indicated in Part F in order for it to be processed.

Mailing Instructions

Mail your completed application to:

Custodian of Adoption Information
P.O. Box 654
77 Wellesley St. West
Toronto ON  M7A 1N3

If you have any questions please contact:
Toll-free: 1 800 461-2156 or
Toronto: 416 325-8305


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