Government of Ontario: Ministry of Health

Laboratory Requisition
Requisitioning Clinician / Practitioner

Check (√ ) one:        




Patient’s First & Middle Names (as per OHIP Card)

Note: Separate requisitions are required for cytology, Ontario Cervical Screening Program HPV and cytology tests, histology/pathology, ColonCancerCheck FIT test, and tests performed for Public Health Laboratory.



Child's Age   

      hr.       hr.
      hr.       hr.
      hr.       hr.



Microbiology ID & Sensitivities (if warranted)

Specimen Collection


Viral Hepatitis (check one only)

or order individual hepatitis tests in the“Other Tests” section below

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Specify one below:

Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy)

Other Tests - one test per line

I hereby certify the tests ordered are not for registered in or
out patients of a hospital.