Government of Ontario: Ministry of Tourism and Culture

Programs & Services Branch
401 Bay Street, Suite 1700
Toronto ON M7A 0A7

Project Information Form (PIF) for Archaeology

The collection of personal information is authorized under Paragraph 2 of the Terms and Conditions of an archaeological licence issued
under Section VI of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.18, and the information is used to track archaeological fieldwork within
Ontario. The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by the government of Ontario are governed by the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act
, R.S.O. 1990, chapter F.31, as amended. If you have any questions regarding the collection,
please contact the Archaeology Licensing Officer, Suite 1700, 401 Bay St, Toronto, Ontario M7A 0A7 416-314-7148.

Required attachments
•      A section of a topographic or development map clearly showing the geographic location of the project area.
•      If archaeological fieldwork involves a site designated under section 52 of the Ontario Heritage Act and listed in regulations 875 or
       880, attach the permit as required under the Act.

Licensee Information

Licensed Fieldwork Directors

Project Information

Proposed Archaeological Project Activities

For Stage 3 or 4 projects, select one or both of the following

Consulting Projects

Non-consulting Projects

This is a Green Energy Act project

(If yes, enter the OPA registration (FIT) number above as a reference number)

This is a Cemeteries Act project

Signature (Once the digital signature is applied,
no further changes can be made.)

By signing this form, you are acknowledging that you are aware that all archaeological
fieldwork related to the project must comply with the Ontario Heritage Act, its regulations,
and any other applicable rules under the terms and conditions of your licence.

Ministry of Tourism and Culture Confirmation(for Ministry use only)

Email to:
Fax to:      416-314-7175
Attn:          Archaeology Licensing Coordinator

Project Information Form Instructions

PIFs and PIF numbers are used by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture for administrative purposes to track archaeological projects in
Ontario and to establish the report due date for the project. The fact that the ministry processes a form and assigns a PIF number to the
project does not signify that the ministry has in any way approved the project or that the ministry considers that the project conforms to
any requirements under the Ontario Heritage Act or any other applicable law. See the ministry’s administrative bulletin entitled Project
Information Forms (PIFs) and the Archaeological Report Review Process
for further details regarding the processing and use of the
PIF, including instructions on how to submit them.

Box Title Description

Licensee signature

This should be the signature of the licensed archaeologist who is responsible for the
archaeological project/fieldwork and for filing the project report.

Archaeological Project Start Date

Enter the estimated start date of this archaeological project. This should be no more
than 15 business days from the date that the form is submitted.

Licensed Fieldwork Directors

If the licensee responsible for the project is also a field director on this project, check
the box next to this heading.

If the qualified and licensed staff person who will be available for the project is
unknown, list as many as 3 potential staff in the spaces provided. At least one of
these people must be listed in the project report as the field director. Delegation of
fieldwork supervision responsibilities to an unlicensed person is a violation of the
Terms and Conditions for Archaeological Licences.

Mentor’s Name

Avocational licensees under a mentorship agreement are to enter the name and
licence number (if applicable) of their mentor.

Project Name

Be as specific as possible. Consultant archaeologists should use the development
proponent’s project name if appropriate and distinctive. Non-consultants should
enter the area in which they propose to conduct fieldwork

Site Name

If the project will involve work on a registered site, enter the official site name as
found on the Archaeological Site Record (Borden) form for that site.

Borden Number

If the PIF is for a planned Stage 3 or 4 project (or a non-consulting project
equivalent), request a Borden number for the site being assessed or mitigated and
enter it here. Submit a separate PIF for each site. If, when submitting a PIF for
Stage 1 or 2 (or pedestrian or test pit survey), there is a known site on the property,
enter the Borden number.

Reference Numbers

Examples are: subdivision file number, condominium file number, municipal bylaw
number, official plan amendment number, consent/severance file number, GWP or
WP numbers or Ministry of Transportation (MTO) aggregate site numbers for MTO
projects, Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) property (“N” - Installation or “A” -
Acquisition) numbers for ORC projects, your company’s tracking number for the
project, the Feed In Tariff (FIT) number for Green Energy Act (GEA) projects and the
Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MTC) project review file number. This number
should be obtained from the development proponent or their representative or the
MTC, as appropriate

Location Description/

Examples are: the street address of the property or the GPS coordinates for the site.
Avocational licensees should briefly describe their project and the area being
investigated, for example, a general geographic area (e.g., west arm of Lake
Nipissing) or a broad project being undertaken (e.g., to identify all villages visited by

Lot No.

Obtainable from the development proponent or the CLAIMaps GIS at the Ministry of
Northern Development Mines and Forests website:

Historical County

Obtainable from historical atlases.

Upper Tier

These are the modern regional divisions set out by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs
and Housing and are to be used for all project types. Enter Single Tiers from
southern counties here; enter Single Tiers from northern districts in the Lower Tier
box. Obtainable from MMAH maps and the following websites: and Do not use Ministry of Natural
Resources districts or Ministry of Transportation districts as an Upper Tier entry. If
the project described on this PIF will cross boundaries, enter all relevant Upper

Concession No

Obtainable from the development proponent or CLAIMaps.

Geographical Township

Obtainable from CLAIMaps. Even if the project described on this PIF is within a
municipality, provide the geographical township. If the property is in unsurveyed
territory with no geographical township, enter “unsurveyed territory”.

Lower Tier  

(See description of Upper Tier, above.) If the project described on this PIF is not
within the boundary of a municipality, leave this box blank. If the project is in a
northern district within a Single Tier boundary as defined by the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing, enter the Single Tier name

This is a Green Energy Act project

The ministry tracks archaeological projects that relate to the Green Energy Act
separately. If the project described on this PIF relates to an energy project that falls
under this Act, check the “Yes” box in addition to the Stage of fieldwork being
carried out. As well, the development proponent will have a registration number or
Feed In Tariff (FIT) number issued by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) for the
project. Enter it in the Reference Numbers field.

This is a Cemeteries Act project

The Ministry tracks archaeological projects that relate to work done under the
Cemeteries Act separately. Check.

Related PIF Numbers

List the PIF number(s) of all other archaeological projects that relate to the project
described on this PIF (including PIF numbers for earlier stages of fieldwork).

Consulting Projects

Check all boxes that apply to the project described on this PIF

Non-consulting Projects

Check all boxes that apply to the project described on this PIF. Research and
Avocational licensees should note that they can only check boxes for fieldwork that
is authorized under their licence class.

Field School, Public Archaeology

Field Schools and Public Archaeology programs are considered non-consulting
projects, even if led by a Professional licence holder. Check this box in addition to
the appropriate non-consulting project types


For the purposes of this form, “Aboriginal” includes


Once the completed form has been submitted to the ministry, the ministry will assign
a PIF number to the project described on the form. The form will be faxed or emailed
back to the licensee with the PIF number on it. Licensees must not begin
fieldwork until they have received a PIF number from the ministry. Cite this number
in all further communications with the ministry about the project including the report
that documents this project.

A new PIF number is needed if:

A new archaeological project (or new stage of an archaeological assessment) will be
carried out.

To cancel a PIF number

PIF numbers may only be cancelled if no fieldwork has been carried out. Otherwise,
a report must be filed with the ministry on the work carried out. If cancelling a PIF
number, provide the PIF number, the project name and the reason for cancelling it in
writing to the Archaeological Licensing Co-ordinator at

To continue a PIF

To track report due dates more effectively, the ministry has ended its practice of
continuing PIF numbers. See next item.

Reporting on this PIF

Reports are due to the ministry one year from the date the PIF number was
assigned for the following types of projects:

Stage 1       Site Condition Inspection        Controlled Surface Pick-up

Stage 2       Pedestrian Survey Test          Unit Excavation

Stage 3       Test Pit Survey

Reports are due to the ministry 18 months from the date the PIF number was
assigned for the following types of projects:

Stage 4       Site Excavation                        Field school

                                                                     Public Archaeology

A PIF number is valid from the date the number is assigned until the report filing
deadline. If an extension of the report filing deadline is needed, contact the ministry's
Archaeology Licensing Officer at

By signing this form, you are acknowledging that you are aware that all archaeological fieldwork related to the project must comply with
the Ontario Heritage Act, its regulations, and any other applicable rules under the terms and conditions of your licence.