Government of Ontario: Ministry of the Attorney General

Legal Appointments Office

77 Wellesley St W, BOX 720
Toronto ON  M7A 1N3
Telephone: 416-326-4064
Fax:            416-326-4065

Non-Lawyer / Non-Paralegal Notary Public

This is an application for appointment as a non-lawyer / non-paralegal notary public for Ontario.

If you are an Ontario lawyer or paralegal and you wish to become a notary public please contact the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement at 416-325-8416 or visit

Persons who wish to administer oaths and/or take affidavits or statutory declarations in Ontario should instead complete the form “Commissioner for Taking Affidavits – General Application” available at Under the Ministry’s policy, a person may not apply to become a notary public and a commissioner for taking affidavits at the same time.

Individuals eligible to work in Canada may apply for appointment as a non-lawyer / non-paralegal notary public for Ontario. Applicants will only be considered if their employment requires the notarizing of documents in the Province of Ontario for:

Non-lawyer / non-paralegal notary public appointments will not be granted to allow applicants to:

By submitting a completed application, the applicant is consenting to the Ministry of the Attorney General using the information provided to conduct a criminal record check through the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC).


Please Enclose:

All pages of the accompanying application form, fully completed, signed and dated by the applicant, with the completed security check consent statement form (form ON00532).

A letter of authorization on letterhead, signed or co-signed by an officer or senior official of your business or organization. If you are self-employed you may sign the letter. The letter should nominate the applicant as a non-lawyer / non-paralegal notary public on behalf of the business or organization and must provide:

You may submit your application and consent statement form (form ON00532) by email to Before submitting, either digitally sign, or print, sign, and scan your application form and consent statement and save them as password-protected PDF files. When submitting, send all documents in one email with attachments, with the password to open the attachments sent in a separate email. Please be aware, when sending personal information by email, that electronic communication is not always secure and can be vulnerable to interception. By emailing the completed application and consent statement form to the Ministry, you are doing so at your own risk and choosing.

Applications submitted by email do not require a payment to be accompanied. If the Ministry intends to grant you an appointment, you will be provided with details and instructions to submit your payment for processing. Your potential appointment will not be finalized until your payment is received, processed and you receive confirmation of your approval.

Alternatively, you may wish to submit your application form, consent statement form, your letter of authorization and payment by mail to:

Ministry of the Attorney General
Legal Appointments Office
77 Wellesley St W, BOX 720
Toronto ON  M7A 1N3

If submitting an application by mail, please include a cheque or money order for the appointment fee of $110.00 payable to “Minister of Finance.” HST is not applicable. Do not send cash or credit card information. No fee is required if the applicant is an employee of the federal, provincial or municipal government, or a First Nations band.

Please allow four to six weeks for processing.

Pour obtenir le formulaire en français, visitez ou composez le 416-326-4064.

Government of Ontario: Ministry of the Attorney General

Legal Appointments Office

77 Wellesley St W, BOX 720
Toronto ON  M7A 1N3
Telephone: 416-326-4064
Fax:            416-326-4065

Non-Lawyer / Non-Paralegal Notary Public

The completion and filing of this application form with the Ministry of the Attorney General does not guarantee that an appointment as a non-lawyer / non-paralegal notary public will be granted.

Note: Only completed applications will be considered. Incomplete applications will be returned. Before you begin, please read the following application instructions carefully.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Applicant Information

Residential Address

Business Address

Anticipated frequency of use per month for documents filed

Have you held an appointment in Ontario as:

Notary Public? *


A Commissioner for Taking Affidavits? *


If Yes, please provide your last name and year the appointment expired as they appeared on your previous stamp:

Please note: The Ministry of Attorney General may corroborate the information provided in the following section through the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). By completing and signing this application form, you are consenting to this CPIC check.

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence for
which you have not received a pardon or record suspension? *


You are entitled to work in Canada by reason of (select one): *


Related businesses or organizations (if any) for which
your proposed appointment is required.
(Attach a separate list or chart if necessary):

Check One or more if applicable:      

Check One or more if applicable:      

Check One or more if applicable:      

Number of persons at your place of employment who are: *


University or other post secondary *
(Provide highest level attained)
Years Attended * Diplomas, Degrees, Etc. *
From To

Employment History

Former Employers *
(Begin with most recent)
Dates Employed * Occupation/Job Title *
From To

Completion and Enclosures Check

I have enclosed (check all that apply):

Email the completed application to or mail the completed application and payment (a cheque or money order for the appointment fee of $110.00 payable to “Minister of Finance.”) to:

Ministry of the Attorney General
Legal Appointments Office
77 Wellesley St W, BOX 720
Toronto ON  M7A 1N3

I understand the purpose for which this information will be used and certify that the information given in the application is correct and complete.

Pursuant to subsection 39(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, this information is collected pursuant to subsections 1(1) and 1(2) of the Notaries Act for the purpose of determining the suitability of applicants for appointment as a non-lawyer / non-paralegal notary public. Questions about the information collected should be directed to: Manager, Legal Appointments Office, 77 Wellesley St. W, BOX 720, Toronto ON M7A 1N3, 416-326-4064,