Government of Ontario: Child and Family Services Review Board

Application to Appeal School Board Expulsion Decision
Education Act – Section 311.7

Important Notice

Please read the information below before completing this application form.

You may appeal a school board decision to expel a pupil if you are a:

  1. pupil's parent or guardian, unless the pupil is at least 18 years old or is 16 or 17 years old and has withdrawn from parental control;
  2. pupil at least 18 years old; or
  3. pupil 16 or 17 years old and has withdrawn from parental control.

You must submit this application form to the Child and Family Services Review Board (CFSRB) within thirty (30) days of receiving written notice of the school board's decision to expel a pupil.


  1. Please complete the form as specified
  2. Sign and date the form at the bottom
  3. Fax, mail or deliver the form to the address below:

    Social Justice Tribunals Ontario
    Child and Family Services Review Board
    1075 Bay Street, 7th Floor
    Toronto ON  M5S 2B1
    Telephone: 416 327-4673 or Toll Free 1 888 728-8823
    Fax: 416 327-0558

1. Application Information

Are you a:

Day Phone Number (
Evening Phone Number (

2. Pupil Information

3. School Board Information

Telephone Number (

4. The expulsion is:

5. Please attach a copy of the following documents to this form

6. Please state the date you received written notice of the school board's decision to expel a pupil

7. Please explain why you disagree with the School Board's decision. Please be as specific as possible.

8. Please indicate what you are asking the CFSRB to do

If the School Board's decision was to expel
the pupil from his or her school only:

If the School Board's decision was to expel
the pupil from all schools of the School Board:

9. Will you need any of the following services at the hearing




10. Signature of the Applicant (Note: This form must be signed)

Notice Regarding the Collection of Personal Information

(Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

The Child and Family Services Review Board collects the personal information requested on this form for the purpose of conducting an appeal under the legal authority of section 311.7 of the Education Act. It will be shared with the School Board. If you have any questions, please contact a Case Coordinator with the Child and Family Services Review Board at 416 327-4673 or Toll Free 1 888 728-8823.