Gouvernement de l'Ontario: Ministry of Health

Form 33
Mental Health Act
Notice to Patient under Subsection 59(1) of the Act and under Clause 15(1) (a) and 15.1(a) of Regulation 741

, have made a determination that you

Check appropriate box(es):

Check where appropriate:

If you wish to challenge this (these) determination(s), you have the right to a hearing before the Board. You may apply for a hearing by completing the relevant form noted above.

Application forms are available from a Rights Adviser, this facility and the regional offices of the Board.

After you receive this notice, a person called a "rights adviser" will meet with you to inform you as to your rights and help you in applying for a hearing if that is what you wish to do.

For further information or assistance with anything mentioned in this notice, please contact

Note: The physician shall promptly notify a rights adviser.

(Disponible en version française)

1088-41 (2022/11)
