Government of Ontario: Ministry of Labour

Pay Equity Commission
180 Dundas St W Suite 300
Toronto On  M7A 2S6
416 314-1896 or 1 800 387-8813
TTY 416 212-3991 or 1 855 253-8333
Fax 416 314-8741

Request for Information
Union/Employer Questionnaire

Note: Please answer all questions within the application form and submit by mail or in person.
Please type or print clearly in ink. You may add additional pages if space is insufficient.

Submit this application to the following address:

Pay Equity Commission

Pay Equity Office

180 Dundas St W Suite 300
Toronto On  M7A 2S6
416 314-1896 or 1 800 387-8813
TTY: 416 212-3991 or 1 855 253-8333
Fax: 416 314-8741

1. Applicant Name

2. What is the nature of the employer's business?

3. Indicate the number of employees in the bargaining unit with this employer

4. Indicate the number of Female Job Classes in the bargaining unit

5. If there is an existing pay equity plan and the Union believes
that it is no longer appropriate please provide specific details
as to why with reference to ss 14. 2 or 13.1 of the Pay Equity Act
For example, describe what are the changed circumstances in the
establishment that render the pay equity plan inappropriate for
the bargaining unit? e.g. restructuring of business.

6. If there is no existing pay equity plan, was the Employer required
to post a pay equity plan under Part II or Part III.1 of the Pay Equity Act?


7. If the applications relates to the certification or decertification
of a Union, when did this occur and was there a pay equity plan
prior to the certification or decertification of a Union?

Certification       Decertification    Date (yyyy/mm/dd)

Yes, there was a pay equity plan prior to the certification or decertification of a Union.  

No, there was not a pay equity plan prior to the certification or decertification of a Union.

8. If there was no pay equity plan prior to the certification or
decertification of a Union, was the Employer required to post
a pay equity plan under Part II or Part III.1 of the Pay Equity Act?


9. If the application concerns a complaint that pay equity has not
been maintained or that there are changed circumstances in
the establishment such that the plan is no longer appropriate
for one or more female job classes, please describe what aspect
of the plan is not being maintained.

10. If the complaint is that there has been a widening of the wage gap
identify which female job classes are affected and why you believe
that the wage gap has widened?

11. If the complaint concerns an allegation that male comparators have
disappeared, identify the female job classes affected and which male
comparators have disappeared?

12. If the complaint concerns the creation of new job classes, identify
the new job classes that you allege have not been evaluated or
evaluated inappropriately and why?

13. If the complaint concerns jobs that have significantly changed
such that the pay equity plan is no longer appropriate for those
female job classes, identify the female job classes which you
believe have significantly changed and what the changes are?
(see s 22 (2) of the Pay Equity Act).

14. If the complaint is that the negotiated pay equity plan contravenes
the Pay Equity Act, provide details as to the alleged contravention
of the Act, with specific reference to the provisions of the Pay Equity Act.

15. If the complaint is that the Employer has contravened the
Pay Equity Act
in any other manner, please provide details
of the alleged contravention.

16. For example, if the complaint is that the Employer has refused to
disclose information to the Union necessary to comply with its
obligations under s. 7 (2) of the Pay Equity Act, provide details
as to the information that was requested and the response received
from the Employer.  If this request was made in writing provide
copies of letters and responses received.

17. Has the Union raised any of these issues with the Employer,
and if so, what was the Employer's response? If these issues
raised in writing, provide copies of the letters sent and received.

18. If the Union and Employer are currently discussing these issues,
what is the current status of the negotiations if any regarding the
above issues?

19. Forward to the Commission any relevant documentation or information to support your allegation and issues.  For example, copies of correspondence to and from the Employer, pay equity plan(s), Expert's reports, collective agreements, job information, salary grids, newsletters and memos to Employees.

The information is collected under the authority of the Pay Equity Act, 1987 for the purposes of this enforcement.

For information concerning the collection and use of this information, please contact Legal Counsel, Pay Equity Office, at the following address:

Pay Equity Commission
Pay Equity Office

180 Dundas St W Suite 300
Toronto On  M7A 2S6
416 314-1896 or 1 800 387-8813
TTY: 416 212-3991 or 1 855 253-8333
Fax: 416 314-8741
